GW SEAS Hackathon

Join our first annual interdisciplinary Engineer's Week hackathon!


The SEAS Hackathon is an interdisciplinary, startup-themed event where participants will produce and pitch a product prototype. The hackathon will be held in GW’s beautiful Science and Engineering Hall. We collectively believe that GW lacks a truly interdisciplinary technical hackathon, one that values the physicist or systems engineer equally with the computer scientist or biomedical engineer.

As such, we have structured the event to promote and support all majors equally. The event is structured for participants to showcase the thinking, design and production capabilities of students at GW. The hackathon will be judged by professors from multiple departments within the School of Engineering and Applied Science. Additionally, mentors from multiple schools within GW and industry will attend to guide and assist student groups with their process. Various student organizations will run workshops in creating a design project, using Arduino/Raspberry Pi (two widely-used and robust microcontroller architectures for robotics) and 3D printing.